Monday, December 27, 2021

Topical Treatments

Skin has a big absorptive surface, as does mucosa.  My daily pill case and PRN's now exceed what should be altering my chemical innards so I've taken to topicals.  For a recent road trip, I gathered Voltaren, Lidocaine, and Ben-Gay into a soft tossable plastic bag along with a bottle of naproxen, none of which I used despite some soreness.  As I cope with rhinitis, this time infectious, fluticasone has come to the rescue. What I found most helpful has been the OTC Voltaren, now the drug of choice for DJD if limited to an area where it can be applied.  My right shoulder hurt enough to limit use of my right arm.  The stuff only works if taken on schedule, which I did bid for about a week, resulting in a fully useful shoulder with scant residual discomfort.  My right knee could be doing better but my commitment to the schedule did not hold.

Back pain calls for the PRN forms of lidocaine.  I have two areas, one midback and persistent, largely at the edges of what I can reach and a more classical lumbar area.  Lidocaine gives very temporary analgesia, enough to get on a treadmill.

Not to ignore Ben-Gay, its role has been for exercise induced myalgia.  Intermediate efficacy but attracted Priscilla the Cat who started licking the fingers used for application.

No systemic effects, currently off all.  Useful when needed.

Monday, April 26, 2021

Wellness Invitation

Threescore and ten has arrived.  Not been there long enough to make any judgment of whether granted the vigor to make it to fourscore.  I wonder why the English translations of the Psalms always present in this way as the Hebrew just uses 70 and 80, but there must have been some type of reverence for advancing age.  Without reverence but with steady payroll deductions, Medicare has also arrived, mostly a pretty good plan with the supplement that I have.  Realities brought me to a new primary physician and I periodically touch base with a cardiologist, soon to be declared well enough to latch on to her NP.  I think I am well enough.  Symptoms are some blend of nudgy and insidious.

Automation being what it is, I received a message to take advantage of a Wellness Assessment, paid by Medicare at no cost to me.  While I recently had a semi-annual visit with my primary doctor, my focus deviated a bit from the expected purpose of the follow-up.  When I telephoned the office concerning whether I needed to see the doctor or her surrogate again, I was told that Medicare's Wellness program differed from their usual office visits.  Not knowing what it entailed, I made the appointment for about a month hence, then proceeded to the www to determine what might be in store.  Apparently the purpose is to look at risks and to some extent resilience.  I wish I felt better but don't feel badly.  Cognition checked as part of a research protocol, so I did pretty well.  Mood could be better.  And one day I will stumble over clutter at home and fracture something or fall down the stairs.  I don't have a lot of medicines or a lot of providers.  I can be an ROS + if the detail is sufficient, though.  I don't engage in hazardous activities.  Vision good.  Hearing good.  Weight seems to be declining, I assume in response to some dietary changes of a few months back.  I'm mostly well.  See if she concurs.