Wednesday, February 28, 2018

No Consults Thus Far Today

No consults today thus far.  While these requests for advice seem to be the last clinical work that keeps me energized from one day to the next, the slack time is appreciated when it arises.  Some time to read, some time to think, some time to organize.  Doctors never really run out of things to do, though we often run out of things we want to do.  Spent yesterday on the phone and on the screen with an afternoon in the office.  One consult that was straightforward, a person with newly acquired tsh suppression, borderline free t4, no symptoms and a fairly normal exam.  The hospitalist watched me do the consult, concerned most about whether the person could be sent home.  This being a common office referral, there was no problem with discharge and a decision made later on antithyroid drugs if the T3 was elevated or watchful waiting if it was not.  But none so far today.  I can look at more lab work or I can renew prescriptions and test strips though none of that is nearly as satisfying to me as taking a medical record apart from the first available entry and matching it with what becomes apparent at the bedside.  Maybe later or maybe tomorrow I'll get my next chance.

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